I feel prepared and ready. My nerves aren't too bad. I am packed as completely as I can be; I think I have everything I need. I have double and triple checked everything, make copies of everything important, waterproofed my shoes, charged my camera.... I can't think of anything else but I still feel like I forgot something..... I don't think you can ever be completely prepared for a trip like this.
As I said goodbye to my parents and fiancé, I couldn't help but think back to the WW2 research I have been doing and imagining how hard it would be to say goodbye to a husband or son knowing they were going to war and may never come back. I am only going to be gone for 3 weeks and then I will be back home. As hard as the goodbye was for me, I know that much harder goodbyes have been said to children and spouses heading to Europe for very different reasons about 70 years ago. I am lucky that I can go visit Europe in a time of peace and for simple reasons such as travel and study.
I am typing this from the van as we drive to the airport. Everyone is excited and ready to get to London. We have anticipated this for so long and it's hard to believe it's here! Next time I post, I will be across the world drinking some good English tea and taking it all in. For now, I am diving back into my research book "London At War-1945".
Bye for now!